car repair Aylmer
car repair home computer repairs and more

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our specialty engine diagnostics Our Specialty  (Electrical)
air bag light  or SRS  car paint
Anti lock brake problems
snow plowing


Air Bag

Anti lock brakes


Body work and paint


Snow Removal

Phone number
get appointment by email and save

Honesty with a warranty

Monday to Friday 8.00 AM to 6.00 PM Closed Saturday and Sunday

 Engines and all Electronics System Diagnostic


(Keys ,Transmission ,Programable Modules ,Clusters)

Car repairs  body work and paint


Snow removal on call no contract

Small engine repair ( Lawn tractor ,Outboard motors ,Snow blower)

You need help troubleshooting ? E-mail me at ( with description )

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   Welcome to Multi Services

It is our mission to please you. We believe the best way to achieve this goal is to be very honest with all sales and services we provide .

This site provides more information on related services and products we have available. Learn about our SERVICES and rates .

If you have comments or questions about our products or services, or simply need more information, click on the contact link on any page within this site.

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Thanks for visiting and we look forward to serving you.

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