car repair Aylmer
car repair home computer repairs and more
our specialty engine diagnostics


air bag light  or SRS

Air Bag

Click on any of these pictures for a quick link

Anti lock brake problems

Anti lock brakes

Our Specialty  (Electrical)


car paint

Body work and paint



Phone number
snow plowing

Snow Removal

get appointment by email and save

open late

Appointments by E-mail 15% Discount

$80.00 an hour for car repairs

$45.00 an hour for body work and paint

 $30.00  Engine Scan $40.00(Abs Air bags)$60.00 for all system

Snow removal : Fixed charge for the season from $300.00

Snow removal on call :no contract ,will be estimated on the premises.

Free oil change with $280.00 Dollars of labor or more.

Updated 2019


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